Anatomical terms (शारीरिक शब्द)
Directional terms
They are used to describe the location of body parts in relation to other
1.Terms used in Relation:
*Ventral (or) Anterior Aspect: the from aspect.
*Dorsal or posterior: the back aspect
*Medial Border: Along the little finger medial border of forearm arm big toe leg thigh.
*Lateral Border: Follows thumb lateral border of fore arm, arm, little toe leg and thigh.
*Proximal: It is close to root of limb while distal is away from root.
*Flexora Aspect: front of limb.
*Palmer Aspect: front of the palm
*Dorsal Aspect: hand is on the back of palm.
*Extensor: Aspect is back of limb.
*Cranial: toward the head (like superior).
*Caudal: Toward the tail.
2. Terms Related to body Movements:
Movements in general at synovial joints are divided into four main categories
* Gliding Movement: Relatively flat surfaces move back and forth and from side to side with respect to one another. The angle between articulating bones does not change significantly.
*Angular Movement:
Angle between articulating bones decrease or flexion there is decrease in angle between articulating bones and in extension there is an increase angle between articulating bones lateral flexion is the movement of trunk sideways to the right or left at the waist.
A bone revolves around its own longitudinal axis. In medial rotation anterior surface of a bone of limb is turned toward the midline.
*Special Movements:
These occur only at joints e.g. pronation, supination, protection and retraction at temporo mandibular joint.
3. Terms used for describing muscles:
*Origin:the end of muscle which is relatively fixed during its contraction.
*Insertion: the end of a muscle which moves during its contraction.
*Belly: the fleshy and contractile part of a muscle.
*Aponeurosis: the flattered tendon .
A fibrous band made up of interdigitating fibres of the tenders or aponeurosis unlike a ligament it is stretchable . Ligaments are fibrous inelastic bands which connects two segments of joint.
4. Termes used for describing blood vessels:
*Arteries: carry oxygenated blood away from the heart with exception of pulmonary and umbilical arteries which carry deoxygenated resembles trees because they have branches.
*Veins: carry de- oxygenated blood towards heart with the exception of pulmonary and umbilical veins which carry oxygenated blood veins resemble rivers because they have tributaries.
*Capillaries: network of microscopic vessels connecting arteries and veins.
*Anastomosis: Precapillary or post post capillary communication between neighbouring vessels.
5. Terms used in Relation to Trunk:
*Ventral or anterior is the front of trunk media is a plane close to media plane lateral is a plane proximal/ cranial/superior is close the heart end of trunk.
*Distal/caudal/inferior is close to lower end of trunk.
* Superficial is close to skin deep away from skin
6. Terms used in clinical Anatomy:
*Aemia-of the blood ,e.g. anaemia hypoxaemia, uraemia,hypovolaemia
*Angio- vessel,e.g. angiotensin hemangioma.
*Ante- before, in from of. e.g anterior
*Anti- agginst, e.g.antidiuretic, anticoagulant,antigen, antimicrobial.
*Brady - slow, e.g.bradycardia.
*Broncho- bronchus, e.g.bronchiole, bronchitis, bronchus.
*chole- bile,e.g. cholecystokinin,cholecystitis, cholangitis.
* Cyto/ cyte- cell, e.g. erythrocyte,cytosol, cytoplasm, cytotoxic.
*Dys- difficult, e.g. dysuria, dyspnea, dysmenorrhoea, dysplasia.
*ema - swelling, e.g. oedema emphysema, lymphoedema.
*Erythro - red, e.g . erythrocyte, erythropoietin, erythropoiesis.
*Haem - blood, e.g. haemostasis, haemorrhages haremolytic.
*hyper - excess/ above , e.g.hypertension, hypertrophy,hypercapnia.
* Hypo - below/ under, e.g. hypoglycemia, hypotension, hypovolaemia.
*Intra - within,e.g. intercellular, intracranial, intraocular.
*Itis - inflammation,e.g.appendicitis hepatitis cystitis gastritis
*Lyso / lysis - breaking down,e.g.lysosome, glycolysis lysozyme.
*Myo - muscle e.g. myocardium myoglobin myopathy myosin.
*Nephro _ kidney e.g. neurone neuralgia neuropathy.
*Neuro - never e.g. neurone neuralgia neuropathy.
*Olig - small e.g. oliguria
*Ology - study of e.g. cardiology neurology physiology.
*Oma - tumour e.g. carcinoma melanoma fibroma
*Poly - many e.g. polypeptide polyuria polycythaemia.
* Tachy - excessively fast e.g. tachycardia.
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