
Showing posts from May, 2020

Tissues including membranes and glands: types

Definition A tissue is a group of cells the Usally have a common original in an embryo and function  together to carry out specialized activities. Types of tissues The tissues of the consist of large numbers of cells and they are  classified according to the size, shape and functions of these cells. There are four main types of tissue that each have subdivisions . They are: ¹. Epithelial tissue ². Connective tissue ³. Muscular tissue 4. Nervous tissue 1. Epithelial Tissue It covers body surface and lines hollow organs. Body cavities and ducts. It is allows the body interact with internal and y environment. Epithelial tissue consists of cells arranged in continuous sheets in single or multiple layers. Structure of Epithelial Tissue: Apical surface of an Epithelial cell faces the body surface, body cavity, lumen  of an internal organ recieves cell  secretion. The lateral surfaces of an Epithelial cell facing the adjacent cells on either side may contain...

Functions of blood

Blood has three main functions :  Transport, Protection and regulation. 1. Transport : blood transports the following substances: * Gases namely oxgen (O²) and carbon dioxide (CO²), between the lungs and rest of th  body. * Nutrients from the digestive tract and storage sites to  rest of the body. * Waste products to detoxified or removed by the liver and kidneys.  Hormones from the glands in which they are produced to their target cells. * Heat to the skin to regulate body temperature. 2. Protection : blood has several roles in inflammation: * Leukocytes or white blood cells, destroy invading  microorganisms and canncer cells. *  Antibodies and other proteine destroy pathogenic substances. * Platelet factors initiate blood clotting and help to minimise blood loss. 3.  Regulation : blood helps to regulate: * pH by interacting with acids and bases. * Water balance by transferring  water to and from tissues.


COMPOSITION AND FORMATION OF BLOOD Introduction Blood is a fluid connective tissue which circulates continuously around the body allowing constant communication between tissues distant from each other. It is pumped by the heart that circulates throughout the body vio., The  arteries, veins and capillaries. The blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the body tissues and removes carbon dioxide and other wastes. All types of blood cells are derived from the bone marrow. Composition of Blood Total blood volume: 5-6 littles (8% of body weight or 80 ml/kg body weight) Specific gravity:1050-1060 Viscosity: 4-5 times that of water pH: 7.4±0.05; alkaline Formation of blood cells * The process of blood cells formation is called Haemopoiesis . * Blood cells are synthesized mainly in Red Bone Marrow . * Red bone marrow is a highly vascularized connective tissue located in the microscopic spaces between trabecular of spongy bone tissue. It chiefly present, in bones of the axial skeleton, pectora...

The cell: structure, reproduction and function (कोशिका: संरचना, प्रजनन और कार्य)

Introduction The cell is the basic structural, functional and biological unit of all know living organisms.cells are the smallest unit of life that can replicate independently, and are often called the " building blocks of life" the study of cells is called"cell biology". The cell was discovered by Robert Hooke in 1665 A cell consists of a plasma membrane inside which are number of organelles suspended in a watery fluid called cytoplasm organelles, literally small organs have individual and highly specialised functions, and are often enclosed in their own membrane within the cytoplasm. 1• . cell Membrane: It is a protective  of cell body. Separates the fluid outside the cell cally extra cellular fluid and the fluid inside the cell intracellular fluid. It's structure is best discovered by fluid mosaic model. Structure : * Plasma membrane consists of a double layer of lipid molecules in which proteins are embedded *  Proteins make up to 60-70% of the dry weight of...

Body cavities (शारीरिक गड्डे)

BODY CAVITIES A body cavities is fluid-filled space in multicellular organism other than those of vessels ( such as blood vessels and lymph vessels) .the term usually refers to the space located between an outer covering (epidermis),and the outer lining of the gut cavity internal organs develop. The cavities include: 1. Dorsal body cavity: a.   Cranial cavity:  Enclosed by the skull and contains the brain. b. Spinal canal: Enclosed by the spine and contains the spinal cord. 2. Ventral body cavity:  a. Thoracic cavity: Enclosed by the ribcage and contains the lungs and heat. b. Abdominopelvic cavity: 1. Abdominal cavity: Enclosed by the ribcage and pelvis and contains the kidneys, ureters, stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. 2. Pelvis cavity: Enclosed by the pelvis and contains bladder ,anus and reproductive system. Translate: Hindi शारीरिक गड्डे  एक शरीर की गुहाएं वाहिकाओं (जैसे रक्त वाहिकाओं और लिम्फ वाहिकाओं) के अलावा बहुकोशिकीय जीव में द्रव से भ...

System and cavities of the human body

Human body organ systems The human body is made up eleven organ systems that work with one another ( interdependantly ). These systems integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system,endocrine system, cardiovascular system, urinary system and reproductive system, we will briefly discuss the major functions of each Organ system below. 1. Integumentary system :  ( Skin, hair, nails ) Forms the external body covering and protects  deeper tissue from injury. Houses cutaneous receptors, sweat glands, oil glands and synthesizes vitamin D. 2. Skeletal system : ( Bones, joints) supports and protects the Organ of the baby. Provides a framework to muscles ( movement ) .bones also store minerals and create blood cells. 3. Muscular system : ( Skeletal muscles ) Maintains posture and produces movement (locomotion ) produces heat. 4. Lymphatic system : (  red bone marrow,thymus, lymphatic vessels thoracic duc...

Anatomical regions of Abdomen (उदर के शारीरिक क्षेत्र)

* The Anatomical regions of Abdomen are divided into nine segments using two pairs of imaginary lines. * The nine segments are right hypochondrium left hypochondrium right and left lumber, right and left illiac fossa,  hypogastrium umbilical region epigastrium. Translate: Hindi अब्दोमेन के एनाटोमिकल क्षेत्र को नौ खंडों में विभाजित किया जाता है, जिसमें दो जोड़े काल्पनिक रेखाएं होती हैं।  * नौ खंड दाएं हाइपोकॉन्ड्रिअम बाएं हाइपोकॉन्ड्रिअम दाएं और बाएं लंबर, दाएं और बाएं इलियाक फोसा, हाइपोगैस्ट्रियम गर्भनाल क्षेत्र एपिगैस्ट्रियम हैं।


Plans   A plane passing through the centre of body dividing it two equal right and left halves, is the median plane. Plane parallel to median is the sagittal sagittal plane. * A sagittal plane is a vertical plane which passes from anterior to passterior dividing the body into right and left halves. * Plane at right angles to median place which divides the body into anterior and posterior halves is called coronal plane. * A plane at right angles to both sagittal and coronal place which divides the body into upper and lower Parts is called a transverse plane. Translate: Hindi  योजनाओं  एक विमान जो शरीर के केंद्र से होकर गुजरता है, उसे दो बराबर दाएं और बाएं हिस्सों में विभाजित करता है, यह मध्य तल है।  माध्यिका के समांतर विमान धनु धनु राशि है।  * एक धनु विमान एक ऊर्ध्वाधर विमान है जो पूर्वकाल से शरीर को दाएं और बाएं हिस्सों में विभाजित करते हुए पैसिस्टरियर में जाता है।  * समकोण पर समतल कोणों को मध्यस्थान में ले जाता है जो शरीर को पूर्वकाल और पश्च भाग में विभाजि...

Positions ( स्थितियां)

Positions 1. Anatomical Position:  To describe body parts and position accurately, we need an initial reference point and must indicate direction. When a person is standing standing straight with eyes looking forward both arms by the side of body, palms facing forward and both feet together . 2. Supine position: when a peron is lying on his/ her back, arms by  the side, palms facing upward and feet put together. 3. Prone Position: Person lying on his/her face chest and abdomen. 4. Lithotomy position: person lying on his/her back with legs up and feet supported in straps. It is used during delivery of the baby. Translate: Hindi स्थितियां  1. शरीरिक स्थिति: शरीर के अंगों और स्थिति का सही वर्णन करने के लिए, हमें एक प्रारंभिक संदर्भ बिंदु की आवश्यकता होती है और दिशा का संकेत देना चाहिए।  जब कोई व्यक्ति शरीर के किनारे दोनों भुजाओं को आगे की ओर देखता हुआ सीधा खड़ा होता है, हथेलियाँ आगे की ओर और दोनों पैर एक साथ।  2. सुपाइन पोजीशन: जब एक पेरोन अपनी पीठ के बल लेटा ...

Anatomical terms (शारीरिक शब्द)

Directional terms They are used to describe the location of body parts in relation to other 1.Terms used in Relation: * Ventral (or) Anterior Aspect: the from aspect. * Dorsal or posterior: the back aspect *Medial Border: Along the little finger medial border of forearm arm big toe leg thigh. * Lateral Border:  Follows thumb lateral border of fore arm, arm, little toe leg and thigh. * Proximal: It is close to root of limb while distal is away from root. * Flexora Aspect:  front of limb. *Palmer Aspect: front of the palm *Dorsal Aspect: hand is on the back of palm. *Extensor: Aspect is back of limb. *Cranial: toward the head (like superior). *Caudal: Toward the tail. 2. Terms Related to body Movements: Movements in general at synovial joints are divided into four main categories *  Gliding Movement:  Relatively flat surfaces move back and forth and from side to side with respect to one another. The angle between articulating bones does not change significantly. * Ang...

Organization of human body (मानव शरीर का संगठन)

Organization of human body Anatomical structures and physiological mechanisms are arranged in a series of interacting levels of organization, chemical interact to form complex molecules. Molecules together interact to form cell. * Cell is the smallest structural function unit metabolism of the organism.human body is made up of millions of cells from tissues from organs organs form systems whereas systems from organism. . Chemical . Molecules . Cell . Tissues . Organs  . Systems . Organism Human body has certain levels of organization. A. Chemical Level: chemical interact together from a complex. e.g. Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen etc. B. Cellular Level:  In this molecules combine to form cell. e.g. Muscle cell. C. Tissue Level: Group of cells from tissues.e.g. epithelial tissue, nervous tissue. D.  Organ Level: the organs are structures which are composed of different types of tissue. E. System Level: Organs together from systems. e.g. Cardiovascular system together to form ...

Subdivision of Physiology शरीर विज्ञान के उपखंड

Subdivision of Physioloy Like Anatomy, Physiology has many subdivision, most of which consider the operation of specific organ systems, for example: 1. Renal Physiology: (ren=Kindey). It is concerned with kidney function and urine production. 2. Neurophysiology: (Neuro=nerve). Explains the working of the nervous system. 3. Cardiovascular Physiology: ( Caridi= heart, vascular=blood vessels). It studies the functions of heart and blood vessels. 4. Respiratory Physiology: (respira=beath). Functions of the air passage ways and lungs. 5. Endocrinology: ( endo=within; crin=secretion). Hormones (chemical regulations in the blood) and how they control body functions. 6. Immunology: (Immun= not susceptible). How the body defences itself against disease-causing agents. शरीर विज्ञान के उपखंड  एनाटॉमी की तरह, फिजियोलॉजी में कई उपखंड होते हैं, जिनमें से अधिकांश विशिष्ट अंग प्रणालियों के संचालन पर विचार करते हैं, उदाहरण के लिए:  1. रीनल फिजियोलॉजी: (रेन = किन्डी)।  इसका संबंध गुर्दे के...


Subdivision of Anatomy The study of Anatomy is made easy and appropriate by dividing it into various subdivision. They are: 1. Regional Anatomy:  It is the study of various organs and organ systems of their relations by dividing the body into various regions. It is also called Geographical or Topographical Anatomy. e.g. Arm leg, Head, chest Thorax and Abdomen, Upper Limbs, Lower Limbs etc. 2. Systemic Anatomy: It is the study of structure of the body by dividing into various organ systems. These structures are studied under various headings. e.g.   Osteology: the study of bones Arthrology:  the study of joints Myology: the study muscles Neurology: the study of brain and nerves Embryology: the study of developing embryo. 3. Surface Anatomy: Anatomical laand marks on the surface of the body through visualization and palpation. e.g. it is used to study the internal  structures as they  relate to the overlying skin surface. 4. Gross (or) Macroscopic Anatomy : I...

Introduction to Anatomical terms

Anatomy & Physiology Anatomy terms         Key   Terms Anatomy :  It is the branch of science that deals with structure,shape and size of human body. Applied Anatomy:  Deals with the application of anatomical knowledge to the medical and surgical practice. Abduction: when  limb is taken away from the body. When limb taken close to the body.  Anastasia: Precapillary or post capillary communication between neighbouring vessels. Cranial: Towards the head (like superior).  Caudal: Towards the tail. Circumduction: It is the movement of distal end of the body in a circle. A combination of extension, flexion, abduction, addiction in a sequence as in bowling.  Capillaries: These are network of microscopic vessels connecting arteries and venules. Developmental Anatomy: It is the study of prenatal developmental changes in individual (Embryology), which is not visible to naked eye. Dorsal As...